Exhibitor Information

Information and Forms for WoodenBoat Show Exhibitors:

Exhibit Sales Contacts:

Ray Clark
T: (401) 447-1506
E: ray@woodenboat.com

Andrew Breece
T: (207) 359-7751
E: andrew@woodenboat.com

Promotional Opportunities


We are thrilled to be offering several sponsorship opportunities at this year’s Show. Sponsorships include providing lanyards for all exhibitors, show bags for all attendees, and sponsorships of our popular skills demonstrations. If you are interested in being a sponsor, or have an idea for a different sponsorship, please contact Ray Clark or Andrew Breece.

Free Press

Send us newsworthy information about your company and we will use it in our promotional materials. Tell us what’s new in your product line or services, who’s new in your company, what awards or trade endorsements you’ve received recently, or ANYTHING you’d like show attendees and/or the media to know about. Send accompanying images for even more exposure. Photographs should be professionally shot and submitted as 4 by 6 jpeg or tif for PC files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

We will promote your company, product or service on the show website, in the show brochure and advertisements, in the electronic newsletter, monthly press releases and show directory! The sooner you provide us with your information, the more we will use it — so act today!

Ways To Exhibit

There are many ways to exhibit at the WoodenBoat Show, on land, in a tent or in the water. All boats exhibited must have wooden hulls and all items offered in booths must be of interest to wooden boat enthusiasts.

Reserve your show space TODAY: Call (207) 359-4651

Top 10 Reasons You Should Exhibit

  1. The Producers: WoodenBoat Publications is the source for everything wooden boat. Over 60,000 dedicated readers of WoodenBoat magazine possess a deep and abiding involvement with the boats they build, own and use.

  2. The Place: Mystic Seaport Museum — The Museum of America and The Sea.

  3. The Location: Mystic, Connecticut — located halfway between New York and Boston with easy highway access and high visibility.

  4. The Layout: Spectacular location, secure dockage, lots of tent and land space, plus a cohesive, friendly atmosphere.

  5. The Timing: The best weekend of the summer just a couple weeks before the Fourth of July.

  6. The Buyers: Attendees wield enormous purchasing power in the marine marketplace.

  7. The Marketing: Advertisements, editorial coverage, website, enewsletter, direct mail, banners, posters, signs, cooperative promotions, media partnerships, much more are included in our most comprehensive marketing program ever.

  8. The Promoters: The WoodenBoat Show staff brings more years of experience promoting shows and boating industry clients than they care to admit.

  9. The Support: Enhanced exhibitor exposure is provided before the show through promotions on the show website, printed and electronic promotional materials, and through publicity efforts. Exhibitor demonstrations and workshops provide additional on-site attention.

  10. The Winning Combination: With all of the above, the 33rd Annual WoodenBoat Show is sure to be the GREATEST EVER!

Don’t miss the opportunity to reach this lucrative market at the only comprehensive wooden boat show in the nation, taking place this year at the Mystic Seaport Museum

The 2018 WoodenBoat Show at Mystic Seaport Museum attracted nearly 13,000 attendees.

The WoodenBoat Show at Mystic Seaport Museum typically attracts nearly 12,000 attendees.

If your target market is wooden boat owners and enthusiasts, you can’t afford to miss exhibiting at the 2025 WoodenBoat Show. Contact us today to receive exhibit information!

If I could only exhibit at one show, this would be the one.
— Vince Brennan, Frayed Knot Arts
The WoodenBoat Show was one of the most professional shows I have ever had the pleasure being a part of. As a vendor, the easy in and out for set-up and breakdown was amazing. And of course, the view! Simply amazing. All of my neighbors were fantastic and a pleasure to spend time with. I just wished that I had more time to walk around. Amazing Show!!!!
— Marianne Janik, Calli b
The Wooden Boat Show at Mystic Seaport is always a highlight of our year.
— Dudley Dix, Dudley Dix Yacht Design
The WoodenBoat Show in Mystic is among the best shows I do. The location is without question the nicest. It appears to attract people who are a “cut above” always polite and interested in what you have to offer.
— Erik Van Cort, Van Cort Gallery
I’m always impressed by the number and variety of beautiful wooden boats.
— Hilary Russell, Berkshire Boat Building School